One Tree Hill
“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries… On such a full sea are we now afloat… …And we must take the current when it serves… …Or lose the ventures before us.”
quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2014
sábado, 26 de abril de 2014
domingo, 20 de abril de 2014
sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2014
6th Season
6 Episode 1 Quotes
OTH 5x2
The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate or bad luck or bad choices or you can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is but for the most part you get what you give. Let me ask you all a question. What's worse: not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out it's not enough? The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now.
terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013
domingo, 12 de dezembro de 2010
Quotes- 8th Season One Tree Hill
Episode 8: Mouthful of Diamonds
Erin: Are you sure you're qualified to work at a crisis center?
Haley: I don't know about qualified, but I've definitely been there.
Erin: To trust someone with my music, is to trust them with everything I have in the world.
Julian: You make me incredibly happy, Brooke Davis, but we all struggle sometimes.
Haley: My life is good. My son, on the other hand, is wearing headgear.
Brooke: Just because your son is in love with me, it's no reason to take it out on my liquor cabinet.
Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.
Haley [to Jamie]: As long as you pout about your braces, Momma's rocking the eye patch all the time...everywhere!
Jamie: Some people look a little different. Some people are a little different. I think that's cool.
Mouth: Parents coming home tired from work and still have time for their kids. That's who I respect.
Erin: How is Haley as a person?
Mia: Amazing. She is one of the good ones.
Clay: Yes! Suck it, soup!
Julian: Happiness is not a destination. It is a mood, it is not permanent. It comes and goes and if people thought that way then maybe people would find happiness more often.
Mouth: Sorry for the guy who has to clean up this place, which is me.Sylvia: Good luck with your Hoot 'n Nanny Wedding.
Brooke: Good luck with being old. By the way, I like my towels.
sábado, 11 de dezembro de 2010
8th season
Julian: You make sad look beautiful, Brooke Davis.
Haley: Last time basketball left your dad, and this time he's leaving basketball.
Chase: Here's the thing. I know unemployment sometimes leads to crack smoking, and I understand that, but I kinda thought you'd be more excited about this.
Clay: Did you see me own that apple sauce earlier? Stuh-rong.
Julian: Besides hat glove belongs on the hand of someone who loves the game. Me, I used to stand out in right field and chase butterflies. Trust me, the glove respects what I'm doing here.
Nathan: I'm sure it does. Probably doesn't respect that you brought it here in a purse though.
Julian: That's a man bag.
Victoria: I leave you alone for a few days, and you go back to being that stupid girl who follows her heart. I never cared for that version of you.
Nathan: Better be careful Mouth. Last time you helped me, you got fired and now you're sitting out here at the River Court looking kinda creepy and stalker-ish.
Brooke: I get to go visit my mother in prison and tell her I sold my company...good times.
Episode 6: "Not Afraid"
Nathan: Now that basketball is over, I just keep asking myself this same question, over and over...will I ever be great at anything again?
Haley: You'll find it.
Mouth: Wow, what are you?
Millie: I'm a free bitch, baby.
Random dude: I bet you'd give anything to be playing tonight.
Nathan: Actually, not really. Happy Halloween.
Julian: How you feeling today, beautiful?
Brooke: I'm not very beautiful.
Julian: Oh, well I'm gonna go grab a mirror, your reflection should take care of that.
Brooke: I will not let these vampire bridesmaids ruin our wedding.
Quinn: They're zombies. Are you kidding me? Do you not see how slow they're moving?
Episode 7: "Luck Be a Lady"
Erin: Did you really like my music? Or did you just not want a suicide on your hands?
Haley: I really liked it.
Alex: I'm not that good a person. I've been dealing you cards from the bottom of the deck all night.
Mrs. Baker: What kind of wedding doesn't have a champagne fountain.
Brooke: Mine.
Haley: Mine either...I wish it did, though.
Brooke: What a random and total coincidence, my best friend Haley is here, unexpectedly.
Junk: A poker night.
Chase: Good going Julian!
Mrs. Baker: Do you know what that dress is missing?
Brooke: Style?
Mrs. Baker: You can't control mother nature.
Brooke: Or Mother Baker.
8th season
Julian (to Brooke): Get ready for my greased lightning!
Haley: You said the basketball hoop was like my uterus?
Nathan: He caught me totally off guard. He was like a ninja...Like a three foot tall, where do babies come from, ninja.
Julian (to Brooke): This happens all the time. I sleep with a girl and then the next morning she's already planning the wedding.
Haley: These aren't sad tears, they're happy tears.
Nathan: Alright, well how about from now on we do smiles for happy instead?
Episode 2: "I Can't See You But I Know You're There"
Jamie (to Julian): I'm glad they sent you to pick me up. You don't just treat me like a kid.
Brooke: If you really like the new baby, can I have Jamie?
Nate: Yeah, you can have him, but you gotta have the sex talk with him first.
Haley (to Quinn): They say you don't know what you've got til it's gone. I guess I didn't know how much I missed you until you were in my life every day.
Chase: Hey Jamie, how you doin' buddy?
Jamie: Do I know you?
Chase: Dude, who are you? Victoria Davis?
Chase: Come on! How come yours is so good?
Alex: 'Cause I'm kinda awesome like that. Plus, I changed the ingredients.
Haley: When the silence gets too loud, and I really start to miss everyone, I tell myself the same thing: I can't see you, but I know you're there.
Episode 3: "The Space in Between"
Clay: Is this heaven?
Quinn: No, just my version of it.
Will: This doesn't make sense does it? A couple of ghosts sitting on a roof... but here we are.
Nathan: I'm not strong enough Haley.
Haley: Yes you are. And when you're not, you have me.
Will: I know this sucks, but it's gotta be nice to know that somebody loves you like that.
Julian: He likes being with his Aunt Brooke.
Brooke: No he likes being with you. And I like seeing you two together.
Quinn (to Clay): You know my whole family was here. It's usually best to be in a coma for that so...nice work.
Nathan: You're a good man Jamie Scott.
Jamie: So are you dad.
Jamie: Aunt Brooke do you know where babies come from?
Brooke: Not from me.
Will: This sucks, huh? Now I know why they call it the waiting room.
Episode 4: "We All Fall Down"
Nate: I've been avoiding it now for a while, but my back is done. So, I'm gonna finish this beer, then I'm gonna go home and tell my wife that I'm done playing.
Julian: Wow. That's huge. When did you decide that?
Nate: Just this second. Haley's pregnant. Clay and Quinn are recovering, and I didn't even know my own son liked baseball.
Julian: I picked out the flowers by the way.
Haley: You did? I'm sorry, I didn't realize. Gee, you did a beautiful job.
Julian: I mean I was hoping for calla lilies but I had to settle for regular lilies. I think the snap dragons really compliment them. In my mind they really make the arrangement.
Julian: Years from now when we look back on this moment, we're not gonna remember the trouble with your company or the bad press, or even your mom being in jail, we're just gonna remember how great our wedding was.
Alex: Lets make it a dare.
Chase: Okay. Loser plays the next hole in their underwear.
Alex: Yeah, like I'm wearing any underwear.
Victoria: Many captains of industry have done their best work while incarcerated. There's no shame in it.
segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010
Dan on 1st episodeo - lies, things that he doesn't believe
domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010
Brooke and Julian
sexta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2010
Sam, we all miss you

quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010
Episodes 7th
7th Season
7×01 – 4:30 AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad)
7×02 – What are you Willing to lose
7×03- Hold My Han as I’m Lowered
7×04 – Believe Me, I’m Lying
7×05 – Your Cheating Heart
7×06 – Deep Ocean, Vast Sea##
7×07 – I and Love and You
7×08 – (I Just) Died In Your Arms
7×09 – Now You Lift Your Eyes to the Sun
7×10 – You Are A Runner and I Am My Father’s Son###
7×11 – You Know I Love You, Don’t You
7×12 – Some Roads Lead Nowhere
7×13 – Weeks Go By Like Days
7×14 – Family Affair
7×15 – Don’t You Forget About Me
7×16 – My Attendance Is Bad But My Intentions Are Good
7×17 – At The Bottom Of Everything
7×18 – The Last Day of Our Acquaintance
7×19 – Every Picture Tells a Story
7×20 – Learning To Fall
7×21 – What’s In The Ground Belongs To You
7×22 – Almost Everything I Wish I’d Said the Last Time I Saw You
Episodes 6th
6th Season
6×01 – Touch Me I’m Going To Scream, Part 1
6×02 – One Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning
6×03 – Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly.
6×04 – Bridge Over Troubled Water
6×05 – You’ve Dug Your Own Grave, Now…
6×06 – Choosing My Own Way of Life
6×07 – Messin’ With The Kid
6×08 – Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe
6×09 – Sympathy for the Devil
6×10 – Even Fairy Tale Characters Would be Jealous
6×11 – We three
6×12 – You Have To Be Jokink
6×13 – Things A Mama Don’t Know
6×14 – A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene
6×15 – We Change, We Wait
6×16 – Screenwriter’s Blues
6×17 – You And Me And The Bottle Makes Three Tonight
6×18 – Searching For a Former Clarity
6×19 – Letting Go
6×20 – I Would For You
6×21 – A Kiss to Build a Dream On
6×22 – Show Me How To Live
6×23 – Always and Almost Forever
6×24 – Remember Me as a Time of Day ( Season Finale )
Episodes 5th
5th Season
5×01 – Four Years, Six Months and Two Days Later
5×02 – Racing Like A Pro
5×03 – My Way Home Is Through You
5×04 – It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)
5×05 – I Forgot To Remember To Forget
5×06 – Don’t Dream It’s Over
5×07 – In Da Club
5×08 – Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
5×09 – For tonight You’re only here to know
5×10 – Running to Stand Still
5×11 – Your Gonna Need Someone On Your Side
5×12 – Hundred
5×13 – Echoes, Silence, Patience and Grace
5×14 – What Do You Go Home To?
5×15 – Life Is Short
5×16 – Cryin’ Won’t Help You Now
5×17 – Hate is Safer Than Love
5×18 – What Comes After The Blues (Season Finale)
Episodes 4th
4th Season
4×01 – The Same Deep Water As You
4×02 – Things I Forgot at Birth -
4×03 – Good News For People Who Love Bad News
4×04 – Can t Stop This Thing We ve Started
4×05 – I Love You But I ve Chosen Darkness
4×06 – Where Did You Sleep Last Night?
4×07 – All These Things That I ve Done
4×08 – Nothing Left To Say Goodbye
4×09 – Some You Give Away
4×10 – Songs to Love and Die By
4×11 – Everything In Its Right Place
4×12 – Resolve
4×13 – Pictures of You
4×14 – Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers
4×15 – Prom Night at Hater High
4×16 – You Call It Madness, But I Call It Love
4×17 – It Gets the Worst at Night
4×18 – The Runaway Found
4×19 – Ashes of Dreams You Let Die
4×20 – The Birth And Death Of The Day
4×21 – All of Sudden I Miss Everyone (Season Finale)
Episodes 3rd
3rd Season
3×01 – Like You Like an Arsonist
3×02 – From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea
3×03 – First Day on a Brand New Planet
3×04 – An Attempt to Tip The Scales
3×05 – A Mulititude of Casualties
3×06 – Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades
3×07 – Champagne for My Real Friends, Real Pain for My Sham Friends
3×08 – The Worst Day Since Yesterday
3×09 – How a Resurrection Really Feels
3×10 – Brave New World
3×11 – Return of the Future
3×12 – I ve Got Dreams to Remember
3×13 – The Wind That Blew My Heart Away
3×14 – All Tomorrow s Parties
3×15 – Just Watch The Fireworks
3×16 – With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept
3×17 – Who Will Survive, and What Will Be Left of Them
3×18 – When It Isn t Like It Should Be
3×19 – I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy and All I Got…
3×20 – Everyday Is A Sunday Evening
3×21 – Over the Hills and Far Away
3×22 – The Show Must Go On (Season Finale)
Episodes 2nd
2nd Season
2×01 – The Desperate Kingdom of Love
2×02 – Truth Doesn t Make Noise
2×03 – Near Wild Heaven
2×04 – You Can t Always Get What You Want.
2×05 – I Will Dare
2×06 – We Might As Well Be Strangers
2×07 – Let the Reigns Go Loose
2×08 – Truth, Bitter Truth
2×09 – The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
2×10 – Don t Take Me for Granted
2×11 – The Heart Brings You Back
2×12 – Between Order and Randomness
2×13 – The Hero Dies In This One
2×14 – Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
2×15 – Unopened Letters to the World
2×16 – Somewhere A Clock is Ticking
2×17 – Something I Can Never Have
2×18 – The Lonesome Road
2×19 – I m Wide Awake, It s Morning
2×20 – Lifetime Piling Up
2×21 – What Could Have Been
2×22/23 – The Tide That Left And Never Came Back/ The Leavers Dance (Season Finale)
Episodes 1st
1st Season
1×01 – Pilot
1×02 – The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
1×03 – Are You True?
1×04 – Crash Into You.
1×05 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
1×06 – Every Night Is Another Story
1×07 – Life In A Glass House.
1×08 – The Search For Something More
1×09 – With Arms Outstretched -
1×10 – You Gotta Go There To Come Back
1×11 – The Living Years
1×12 – Crash Course In Polite Conversations
1×13 – Hanging By A Moment
1×14 – I Shall Believe
1×15 – Suddenly Everything Has Changed
1×16 – The First Cut Is The Deepest
1×17 – Spirit In The Night -
1×18 – To Wish Impossible Things
1×19 – How Can You Be Sure? -
1×20 – What Is And What Should Never Be
1×21 – The Leaving Song
1×22 – The Games That Play Us (Season Finale)
Keith's wedding
The show must go on - 3x22
NATHAN (about basketball): You miss it?
LUCAS: Every day.
DEB: Keith is a hero.
DAN: He tried to kill me. That's right. He's the one who tried to burn me in the dealership fire. So I guess the hero got what was coming to him after all.
KAREN: I am so proud of you, Haley. Have I told you that lately? You have got a wonderful soul, Haley James Scott. And you are gonna make a beautiful bride in that dress.
BROOKE (to Peyton): See, I had this horrible dream last night that my best friend told me she had feelings for my boyfriend. But that wasn't a dream, was it?
PEYTON: I didn't wish for this, all right? I wished for Jake.
BROOKE: Oh, right. You wished for Jake after you wished for Pete and then Lucas. I cannot believe this is happening again.
BROOKE: He's on the door, Peyton. He's on the damn door under me!
PEYTON: I wanted to be honest with you, all right? I didn't want to make the same mistake I did last time. You even said last night at Tric that you really didn't miss him.
BROOKE: Don't you dare! Don't you dare twist my words around to make yourself feel like you are not a backstabbing two-faced bitch, Peyton, because you are. And you know it.
BROOKE: You know, could you do me a favor just once and put me above your precious Peyton and do something that I ask you to do? Thanks.
LUCAS: Whoa. What happened?
BROOKE: We had a fight, and I'm stressed out about my speech and Haley's dress, and I'm late. I'm late to get ready, and... I'm sorry.
DAN: So, how is life without basketball?
LUCAS: It's better than life without Keith.
KAREN: Yes, it's not fair to Keith, but Dan's need for revenge was buried with his brother. He's not gonna be coming after you or anybody else.
DEB: Maybe so, but in a way that makes me feel weaker than ever.
LUCAS: Oh, I'm sorry, princess. I was looking for my friend Haley.
LUCAS: So, your parents really aren't coming?
HALEY: No, they... I invited them, and they said "sorry, honey, we've been to your wedding once before, and it was a little boring."
LUCAS (to Haley): I could never officially give you away, you know that? I could never give away my best friend.
BROOKE: Hey, Rachel. You look almost as hot as me.
RACHEL: Sounds like something I would say.
DAN: Feeling sentimental, Deb?
DEB: Feeling nauseous, actually.
PEYTON (to Nathan): You had your chance.
BROOKE: Now I know how this dress looks on a witch.
PEYTON: Go Brooke yourself.
HALEY: Nathan, it's been said that there's one word that will free us from the weight and the pain of life, and that word is love. And I believe that. That doesn't mean that it hasn't been hard or that it won't be. It just means that I found a stillness and a bravery in myself with you. You make me brave, and I will love you until the end of time. This I vow today.
NATHAN: Last year, we stood on a beach and I told you how much I loved you and how I would always, always protect you. That day nobody believed that this would work. But I don't think anybody understood the love that I had for you. Because if they did, they would have never doubted us. So I wanted to marry you all over again in front of most of our world because today, when I look into your eyes, my love for you only grows. It's even stronger now. And our love will never waver. And this I vow to you today, and always, and forever.
DAN: You know, one day we'll walk down the aisle again, Deb. You'll see.
DEB: Open your eyes, Dan. I don't love you. I'm not coming back to you. And Keith didn't try to kill you. I did.
PEYTON: So, this is how it ends. A 10-year friendship that survived two dead moms, three absentee parents, shoplifting, jail time, and we can't survive one boy?
BROOKE: Not one boy, Peyton. My boy.
PEYTON: I didn't want it this way, okay? I tried tears. I tried apologizing to you. I cried, and you know what you did? You slapped me, and you blew me off.
BROOKE: You're gonna be lucky if next time I don't use my fist.
PEYTON: I can't believe you're supposed to be the maid of honor. And by the way, none of those words were "yes, Peyton, I love him."
HALEY: What song did you pick anyway? Oh, I was hoping it would be this one.
NATHAN: I had a little help.
BROOKE (to Lucas): A kiss always means something.
LUCAS: Is it impossible for you to forgive me? I forgave you.
BROOKE: For what?
LUCAS: For sleeping with Chris Keller.
BROOKE: And you know what, Lucas? I loved you for that. You had such grace in that moment that I fell in love with you all over again. I can't believe that you would use it now as a bargaining chip.
LUCAS: I need you to trust me and believe me when I tell you that my heart is with you. But part of me feels like ever since we got back together, you've just been waiting... waiting to push me away.
BROOKE: Oh, great. You kiss Peyton, again, and I'm pushing you away! God!
LUCAS: I love you, Brooke. I don't know how else to say it.
BROOKE: How about how you show it? I am not pushing you away, Lucas. I am holding on for dear life, but I need you to need me back. Okay, why wouldn't you tell me about the kiss? And why didn't you call me while you were away? And why won't you ever just let me all the way in? We have to go and give our toasts now. About love.
LUCAS: The last time I gave a speech about Nathan and Haley was... well, at the first reception. I remember saying, "prepare to be surprised." Well, I have to say even I was surprised because, you see, they do something that's very rare to see in someone our age. Actually, it's very rare to see in anybody. They give their hearts to each other. Unconditionally. And that's what true love really is. It's not this fairytale life that never knows pain, but it's two souls facing it together and diminishing it with unconditional love. To Nathan and Haley Scott.
BROOKE: I'm not the most eloquent speaker, so I thought I would borrow a few words from Shakespeare. "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds." When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same. I look at Nathan and Haley, and somehow I feel safer. I don't know if I can explain that, but they give me hope. And I'm afraid to say it out loud because maybe if life finds out, it'll try to beat it out of them, and that would be a shame because we all can use a little hope sometimes, you know? That feeling that everything is gonna be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that. So, here's to Nathan and Haley, here's to hope, and here's to a love that will not alter.
DAN: I never apologized for the way I treated you and Lucas or for the way I treated Keith. I suppose it's too late.
KAREN: I'm pregnant.
DAN: I'm gonna be there for you this time, Karen. It's gonna be okay.
COOPER: I'd like to propose a toast to my knucklehead of a nephew and his beautiful bride.
NATHAN: Ah, here we go.
COOPER: As most of you know, Nathan and Haley's relationship was -- was unexpected, mostly because Haley is classy and attractive and Nathan is... not. But here's to Nathan and Haley for proving to us that love is real and genuine and still attainable for the rest of us. Cheers, you two.
NATHAN: Thanks Coop, I guess.
RACHEL: Well, well. I would like to make a toast to Cooper's toast about love. But wait a minute. What could Nathan and Haley possibly know about love? I mean, they're only 17, right? Right, Cooper? You see, Cooper seems to think a 17-year-old couldn't possibly know anything about love. Of course, that didn't stop him from having sex with me, okay?
COOPER: Rachel...
RACHEL: To sex with Cooper!
COOPER: What is your problem? First you ruin the reception, you steal a limousine, and you drive drunk? Are you out of your mind?!
RACHEL: I must be to fall in love with you!
HALEY: We're going to London for a few days.
LUCAS: Why? Doesn't it always rain there?
NATHAN: Oh yeah.
BROOKE: Dance with me. Did you miss me while you were away?
LUCAS: Every day. I was just angry and upset about Keith, and I just needed to be alone, but that doesn't mean that I didn't miss you, Brooke. Because I did.
BROOKE: I needed to hear your voice. There's just so much stuff going on with me.
HALEY (to Nathan): Don't say I never gave you anything.
LUCAS: Hey, ma, are you pregnant?
KAREN: Yes, I am. But that's not my purse. You know, maybe Brooke took the wrong... Brooke.
PEYTON: Brooke, don't go. Please.
BROOKE: I don't want to, but I have to.
BROOKE: You asked me earlier today if I love Lucas, and I have your answer. But you don't deserve to hear it.
PEYTON: Brooke...
BROOKE: No. I want you to understand something. As far as I am concerned, this friendship is over. And if we never speak again for the rest of our lives, that'll be fine. I gave you a second chance, Peyton, and you blew it.
RACHEL: Is there anything I could say to keep you, Cooper?
COOPER: No, I'm sorry, Rachel. There's not.
RACHEL: That's too bad because there's something I have to tell you.
HALEY: You're good in a crisis.
NATHAN: Oh, I don't know about that.
HALEY: No, you are. It's a good thing, too, especially since I have something I have to tell you.
LUCAS: William Shakespeare wrote: "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks, but bears it out, even to the edge of doom."

Chris Keller - Honey Grove? We're rollin' right through there. You guys should just crash with me ! Common' It'll be like old times. You know. without Nate trying to kill me for singing duets with Haley.
Skills- Hey Im Down for ALL that , You got some Gin in this Joint?
Chris - Full Bar In Back.
Skills - Lovin' Chris Keller
Chris - Look, I got pleanty of room, Im going that way, Haley Can sleep in my bed. Though, your lookin a little plump Hales. What the hell, I've had bigger trunk in my Bunk.
Hailey - Im pregnant you Idiot !
Chris - Ohh.. (looks at Nathan ) Dude, totally not mine !"